Range + Heine GmbH

Range + Heine GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Str. 3
71364 Winnenden

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  • Produkte

    Die R+H-Produkte von A wie Automatikspritzanlagen bis W wie Wasseraufbereitung. Innovativ, wirtschaftlich und umweltfreundlich.

Flow-Coating Systems


The flow-coating system flowcomat is a dynamic system to flow-coat wooden windows and elements in frames and individual parts supplied on a suspension conveyor. You can either impregnate, prime or apply an intermediate coating to your workpieces.

Three variants of the flowcomat flow-coating system are on offer:

    • flowcomat P  with pneumatic paint supply for major shades of colour
    • flowcomat P+ for a quick manual change of paint
    • flowcomat A with semi-automatic paint changing unit


    The flowcomat flow-coating system operates with only a few nozzles, moving across the entire height of the flow path of the workpieces by means of a drive unit. The passing workpieces are steadily coated on both sides, with only low formation of paint mist. This system also allows for even coatings when paints systems with increased viscosity and high proportions of solid particles are used.

    The flowcomat flow-coating system requires only low paint quantities. The nozzles have a large diameter and are easy to replace. The booth is easily accessible and easy to clean.



      • smooth flow-coat tunnel
      • few nozzles
      • low quantities of paint
      • easy on paint
      • easy cleaning
      • high flexibility for changes of paint

      flowcomat P+

      The paint supply of variant P+ is additionally equipped with automatically triggered angle valves to activate the supply lines. Therefore, this variant is especially suited for quick, manual changes of paint. Cleaning the lines with water and air produces only low loss because of the applied pulse rinsing technique. Immediately after rinsing, the next paint can be filled in and the system is ready for flow-coating with the new shade of colour.

      flowcomat A

      This system is designed for the automatic change of paint. The pipelines for the supply of paint are cleaned using the water-air-impulse rinsing method which produces only low losses. Impure rinsing water is supplied to a coagulating system. The next shade is poured in automatically.



      • baumgartner

      • beyens

      • bro

      • dandl

      • eurofen

      • hansstimm

      • haupt

      • hebo

      • hofstaeder

      • keratuer

      • lauber

      • masm

      • messerich

      • molenat

      • nickel

      • pado

      • pozbud

      • sachsen

      • schober

      • seeanner

      • solarlux

      • stelmet

      • stolbud

      • trefz

      • weinzetl

      • wertbau

      • reitz

      Range + Heine GmbH


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      Range + Heine GmbH
      Lise-Meitner-Str. 3
      71364 Winnenden

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      Tel.: +49 (0)7195 977254-0
      Fax: +49 (0)7195 977254-77